Posted by: BibleScienceGuy | January 22, 2014

29. Evidence for God – Why Don’t People Believe in Evolution?

The previous article, Polls Say People Don’t Believe in Evolution, showed that despite 150 years of intense propagandizing by evolutionists, polls over the last 30 years from Gallup and the Pew Research Center reveal that at least 40% of Americans do not believe in evolution.

Pondering: Creation or Evolution?

Pondering: Creation or Evolution?

In view of the daily barrage of evolutionist propaganda from movies, television, books, newspapers, magazines, and schools, why have evolutionists failed to sell America on evolutionism?

After a century and a half of incessant evolutionary propagandizing, a sizable chunk of Americans are still not buying into the evolutionary worldview. Beyond that, a vast majority of Americans believe God was involved in starting the universe.

With media, entertainment, education, and government stacked in favor of evolutionism, why does such a large segment of America still reject molecules-to-man evolution? Why do so many Americans still disbelieve or doubt macro-evolution? What is behind the failure of evolutionists to convince America?

DESIGN is the Answer

I think the evolutionists’ failure is primarily due to one factor: DESIGN.

Design is the reason for the failure of evolutionists to convince America, because
Design is in your face all day long. It is impossible to escape the Drumbeat of Design.

The Apostle Paul described the Drumbeat of Design this way:
That which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1:19-20)

Layer upon layer, the innumerable examples of complex design we see in nature are strong evidence for a Creator and compelling evidence against naturalistic evolution. Just as human constructions shout “Designer!” so also the marvels of nature shout the glory of their Designer. The argument is, “Design implies a Designer.”

Design is inescapable. From a cell’s intricate molecular machinery to the large-scale structure of the universe with billions of stars organized into clustered galaxies—everything shouts “Design.” From micro to macro, researchers find information-rich structures, minutely-detailed designs, and ever-increasing levels of complexity. Where did this all come from?

Contemplating: Creation or Evolution?

Contemplating: Creation or Evolution?

In all of human experience, complex information-loaded designs never happen by accident. Therefore it is more reasonable to conclude that there is a Creator for the universe than to conclude that no Creator exists.

Even living cells, the tiny building blocks of plants and animals, are far more complex than any of man’s devices. Man cannot build a single living cell. After decades of intensive research, man still does not fully understand the cell’s structure and processes! Is it reasonable to think that such a complex organism had no designer?

The basic idea of the Argument from Design is that complex designs require a Designer to produce them. The kind of information the designs contain can only come from an intelligent Agent.

In a nutshell, the Design Argument is simply this:
The existence of a design implies the existence of a designer.
A human requires a Maker.
A universe requires a Creator.

Robert Boyle (1627–1691), the father of modern chemistry, applied the Design Argument to conclude that the marvels of the universe compelled a rational observer to believe in a Creator:

“The vastness, beauty, orderliness, of the heavenly bodies, the excellent structure of animals and plants; and the other phenomena of nature justly induce an intelligent and unprejudiced observer to conclude a supremely powerful, just, and good author.”
(From Robert Boyle, Works, vol. IV, p. 25.)

Philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) said in his major work Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787) that the Argument from Design

“…always deserves to be mentioned with respect. It is the oldest, the clearest, and the most accordant with the common reason of mankind.” (my emphasis)

“Design implies a Designer” makes sound sense to people. Naturalistic evolution makes no sense: people know instinctively that every effect requires a cause. The complexity of the universe at every level, from sub-atomic particles to the human brain to the far-flung galaxies, displays the intelligence of a Master Designer. Such multi-level complexity could not arise by chance. This is why it is so difficult for evolutionists to convince Americans of evolution.

Biblical Christianity is an Answer

A second reason for the evolutionists’ failure to convince America is that macro-evolution conflicts with Biblical Christianity.

Biblical Christianity has had a profound influence on the thinking of many Americans throughout history. Many dispute evolutionism simply because it contradicts the Genesis record of Creation. They accept Genesis as the true Word of God, and this settles the issue for them.

In Conclusion…

The Argument from Design is a powerful argument for the existence of a Creator and against Evolutionism. It has convinced countless thinkers throughout history. Interestingly, the Bible itself uses the Design Argument throughout Scripture to point men to the Creator.

The double thrust of the Design Argument combined with the clear message of Scripture is a difficult barrier for evolutionists to overcome in their crusade to persuade Americans. These two factors are the primary reasons why at least 40% of Americans don’t believe in molecules-to-man evolution.

Questions to Ponder
  1. What are other reasons for evolutionists’ failure to convince the American public of evolutionism?
  2. Which reason do you think is the most significant?
  3. Share your thoughts on these questions in the comments below. It could encourage or help another reader.

Soli Deo Gloria.

This is the 29th article in the Evidence for God series that discusses the question,
“Is There Evidence for God?”
Read the prequels:
1. Evidence for God – Can You Answer a 6th-Grader?
2. Evidence for God – Design
3. Evidence for God – Experience
4. Evidence for God – Can You Prove God Exists?
5. Evidence for God – Design Is Best Argument for God – Simple
6. Evidence for God – Design Is Best Argument for God – Logical
7. Evidence for God – Design Is Best Argument for God – Biblical
8. Evidence for God – Design Is Best Argument for God – Old Testament
9. Evidence for God – Design Is Best Argument for God – New Testament
10. Evidence for God – Stephen King & the Argument from Design
11. Evidence for God – Astronomy Quiz
12. Evidence for God – Astronomy Quiz Answers 1
13. Evidence for God – Astronomy Quiz Answers 2
14. Evidence for God – Astronomy Quiz Answers 3
15. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 1 – Ben Franklin
16. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 2 – Isaac Newton
17. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 3 – Johann Kepler
18. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 4 – Robert Boyle
19. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 5 – Albert Einstein
20. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 6 – Fred Hoyle
21. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 7 – Harold Urey
22. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 8 – Charles Townes
23. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 9 – A. E. Wilder-Smith
24. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 10 – Robert Millikan
25. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 11 – Rick Smalley
26. Evidence for God – Paul Walker & the Argument from Design
27. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 12 – John Eccles
28. Evidence for God – Polls Say People Don’t Believe in Evolution

Read the sequel:
30. Evidence for God – Design Convinces Scientists 13 – Ben Carson 1

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©William T. Pelletier, Ph.D.
“contending earnestly for the faith”
“destroying speculations against the knowledge of God”
(Jude 1:3; 2 Cor 10:4)
Wednesday January 22, 2014 A.D.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. (Romans 1:18-23)


  1. Answers to “Questions to Ponder”:
    #1. Americans are ornery. We’re likely to disagree with anything if enough power brokers are trying to convince us. 😀
    #2. The design aspect is highly powerful. Add to that any knowledge of how the world really works (have you read a secular page on Spontaneous Generation? They sound like creationists!) contradicts the evolutionary storyline at practically every point.


  2. Hi Cheri,
    Where were you trying to go with Spontaneous Generation? It hasn’t been a source of scientific conjecture for almost a hundred years, does contradict evolutionary theory as I’ve read it, and IS based on creationist thinking. Are you trying to make a point for evolutionism?

    Evolution seems to have made less inroads in the Americas than in Western Europe or other western countries. There’s a much stronger Christian base that appears to be more than holding it’s own in the Christian/Evolution discussion. However, this isn’t the only battle being fought.There’s a Young/Old Earth, Evolutionary/Non-Evolutionary Christian, and Catholic/Protestant/etc Judeo, battles underlying much of Christiandom, and this is a much more insidious battle that the direct confrontation with Atheistic Evolutionists. The dogmatic differences between an Atheist and a Christian are obvious to all. the dogmatic differences between an American Christian and an American practising Catholic are much subtler, and they may well believe themselves on the same side, when in fact there are three or more sides – after all, the Catholic Church has come out in support of Evolution with Pope Francis stating Evolution isn’t inconsistent with the notion of creation.

    To counterpoint this, many self described Atheistic Evolutionists are happy to be challenged on their beliefs and understanding, and go back and look at the data. Many others who are happy to be described as ‘believing’ in Evolution are not really dogmatic, rather they’re intellectually disinterested and willing to go with what the ‘Experts’ are currently saying. Sadly, casual disinterest always eventually beats dogmatism. It’s just easier, and people are lazy.

    So, why is Evolution not getting a better hold? Christian revivalism coming off a strong base, has held it’s own, but this is being weakened by conflict from within, and ironically may be won or lost by people who didn’t even know a battle for their beliefs was being fought.

    … Facts and truth, a moot point.


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