Posted by: BibleScienceGuy | June 5, 2024

Kepler & the Chafing Chipmunk

(2 Minute Read. 5Jun2024)

Woof! Woof!
This is Kepler, Master’s Jack Russell terrier, writing another article for Master’s Bible-Science Guy Blog.

A vexing creature has moved into our campsite — very much against my strenuous objections.

It’s the little chipmunk pictured here. Master lets him run all over our site. It drives me crazy.

Master won’t let me run around our site. He keeps me tethered — claims it’s because of a campground leash law. And that Mr. Chipmunk is smart enough to stay just out of my reach. I want so badly to permanently solve the problem of the interloper on our campsite.

I don’t know what was wrong with Mr. Chipmunk’s previous home. Why did he move into our site?

Master has collected a lot of tree limbs, and he has leaned them all against a tall maple tree. I think the reason is to keep the tree from falling on us. And Mr. Chipmunk has decided to move into a new home underneath those branches. Here is a picture of where he lives now.

Why couldn’t Mr. Chipmunk be content where he was?

Master insists that I be content with my lot in life. I have to wait patiently for so many things. When my feed bowl is delayed, I’m not allowed to fuss and agitate. It takes Master and Missus forever to get ready for a simple walk. Why can’t they just go when I’m ready? And they talk and talk and talk with other campers — instead of scampering along briskly like you should on a walk.

Master often instructs me using many passages about being content from the Great Creator‘s special book.

The Apostle Paul emphasized:
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. (Philippians 4:11)
If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. (1 Timothy 6:8)
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Even Jesus Himself told soldiers, “Be content with your wages.” (Luke 3:14)

Master keeps me leashed
even in my very own chair!

But it is very hard for me to be content — especially when circumstances are not to my liking! I guess it’s something I’ll have to keep working on bit by bit.

Anyway, that’s how things look from the Kepler Dog House!

Till next time, this is Kepler signing off. Woof! Woof!

Questions to Ponder

1. When is it hardest for you to be content?
2. Who are the most pleasant to be around, contented people or discontented people?

Share your thoughts on these questions in the comments below. It could encourage or help another reader.

For Christ and His Kingdom.
Alere Flammam Veritatis.
Soli Deo Gloria.

This is the 61st article in a series of blog posts on a precocious Jack Russell terrier named Kepler. Numbers 1-8 are by Kepler’s master, the BibleScienceGuy. Numbers 9-61 are by Kepler himself.
Read the prequels:
1. Why I Named Our Puppy “Kepler”
2. Kepler’s Kind
3. Kepler’s Lopsided Trade
4. Kepler’s Amazing Nose
5. Kepler’s Business Card
6. Kepler & the Psycho Squirrel
(with video)
7. Taunting Kepler
8. Adam and Puppies

The following posts are by Kepler:
9. Who Taught Kepler?
10. Kepler Gets a Buddy
(with video)
11. Kepler Chases a Squirrel (with video)
12. Kepler’s Complaint
13. Kepler’s To-Do List
14. Kepler and the Football Weekend
15. Kepler’s Favorite Store
16. Kepler at a Truck Stop
17. Kepler & Henry Catch a Squirrel
18. Kepler Finds Killdeer Eggs
19. Kepler Finds Robin Eggs
20. Kepler Lives to Tell the Tale
21. Kepler, Bears, & Raccoons
22. Kepler Mentors Henry
23. Kepler Gets a Bear
24. Kepler Finds Strange Eggs
25. Kepler Finds Duck Eggs
26. Kepler Gives Thanks
27. Kepler’s Newest Enemy
28. Kepler Loves Bulldogs
29. Kepler Ponders Snow
30. Kepler Wants to Move to Australia
31. Kepler’s Dating Profile
32. Kepler Meets Skunk
33. Kepler Wants to Be Good
34. Kepler on Guard
35. Kepler Chews On Grammar
36. Kepler for President
37. Kepler for President: Grins & Growls #1
38. Kepler for President: Grins & Growls #2
39. Kepler’s Water Guns
40. Kepler Remembers Henry
(with video)
41. Kepler Gives a Virus Briefing
42. Kepler’s Campaign Advice
43. Kepler Ponders Senescence
44. Kepler’s AK-47
45. Kepler Talks Turkey
46. Kepler Versus the Squirrel
47. Kepler Hates This Word
48. Kepler and the FRIB
49. Kepler Finds Strange Creature
50. Kepler on Dawgs & Frogs
51. Kepler the Snow Commando
52. Kepler Babysits
53. Kepler Gets a Chipmunk
54. Kepler Spies Meat-Eaters
55. Kepler and the Lost Girl
56. Kepler Hounds Cop
57. Kepler’s Survival Tips
58. Kepler Leads a Hike
59. Kepler Meets a Snapper
60. Kepler Tells Turtle Tales

Read the sequel:
62. Kepler ??? coming soon . . .

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©William T. Pelletier, Ph.D.
“contending earnestly for the faith”
“destroying speculations against the knowledge of God”
“for the defense of the gospel”
(Jude 1:3; 2 Cor 10:5; Phil 1:16)
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 A.D.

But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you;
And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you.
Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you;
And let the fish of the sea declare to you.
Who among all these does not know
That the hand of the LORD has done this,
In whose hand is the life of every living thing,
And the breath of all mankind?
(Job 12:7-10)

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